BACGene Listeria monocytogenes
Kit for 96 lysis and real-time PCR reactions for detection of Listeria monocytogenes.
SKU 5123222001 Category
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Product Details

Catalogue Number

– 5123222001


– Pathogens
– Kit for 96 lysis and real-time PCR reactions for detection of Listeria monocytogenes.


– ET Hungary
– Food testing labs,Ready to Eat , Meat processors etc

Features & Benefits

– The BACGene Listeria monocytogenes real-time PCR kit provides all reagents for the rapid and reliable detection of L. monocytogenes in all human food related products.


– The BACGene Listeria monocytogenes real-time PCR detection kit provides materials for a rapid and reliable detection of Listeria monocytogenes. Detects DNA in all human food products and environmental samples from food production facilities. The kit is intended to be used in analytical laboratories and may also be applied for other purposes in food product research and analysis fields, e.g. microbial monitoring of production processes.

PCR Cycler platform

– Agilent AriaMx™, Bio Rad CFX96 Touch™ and CFX96 Touch™ Deep Well

AFNOR Certification

– The kit is certified by AFNOR Certification as an alternative method for the detection of Listeria monocytogenes according to EN ISO 16140-2:2016.

AOAC Certification

– The kit is certified by AOAC© Research Institute under the Performance Tested MethodsSM Program for the detection of Listeria monocytogenes.


– Listeria monocytogenes
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