DNAnimal Ident Chicken IPC (LR) Kit for identification of chicken (Gallus gallus) DNA
96 real-time PCR rxns with IPC, all reagents and controls included, for up to 46 samples. Validated for ABI7500/Fast, MX3005P/ MX3000P, AriaMX, CFX96 and LC480.
SKU 5422221010 Category
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Product Details

Catalogue Number

– 5422221010


– Animal Species
– 96 real-time PCR rxns with IPC, all reagents and controls included, for up to 46 samples. Validated for ABI7500/Fast, MX3005P/ MX3000P, AriaMX, CFX96 and LC480.


– ET Hungary
– Food testings labs/Meat Exporters/ Five star hotels/Meat Research labs

Kit Components

– 2x MasterMix QL RT IPC (LR) GSE-P-08.031, Chicken
650 µL BasicMix QL RT IPC (NR)
390 µL OligoMix QL RT IPC (LR)
2 x Positive control DNA: Genomic DNA Chicken
1x DNA stabilization buffer, 150 µL (for NTCs)

Material Required But Not Included

– water, DNase-freeVortexMicropipettes (variable 1-1000 µL) and filter tipsPCR optical tubes or plates 0.2 ml and optical caps or sealsRT-PCR Thermocycler

Features & Benefits

– Test kit for the qualitative detection of chicken DNA with IPC, 96 real-time PCR reactions

PCR Cycler platform

– Agilent MX3005P/3000P/Aria MX, ABI7500/Fast, LightCycler480, and BioRad CFX96 Touch

Limit of Detection

– LODabs ≤ 10 copies; LODrel ≤ 0.01%

Storage Instructions

– -20°C
Product Attachments

Safety Data Sheets

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