GMOScreen RT IPC CsVMV / CV127 / DP305423-1 Soy (NR) for CFX96 and MX3005P/MX3000P
96 RT-PCR reactions. Multiplex screening of Soy CsVMV / CV127 / DP305423-1 with internal positive control (IPC). Validated for use on CFX96 and MX3005P/MX3000P.
SKU 5421227104 Category
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Product Details

Catalogue Number

– 5421227104


– 96 RT-PCR reactions. Multiplex screening of Soy CsVMV / CV127 / DP305423-1 with internal positive control (IPC). Validated for use on CFX96 and MX3005P/MX3000P.


– ET Hungary
– Food testing labs/Agriculture research institutes/ Soya oil processors etc

No of Test

– 96 rxns

Features & Benefits

– Real-time multiplex PCR kit for simultaneous detection of one screening target and two GMO soybean events (CsVMV/pat(syn) modification, event CV127, event DP-305423-1).


– GMOScreen RT IPC (NR) Soy CsVMV/CV127/event DP305423-1 is a highly specific and sensitive multiplex real-time PCR kit suitable for the identification of two genetically modified soybean events and one screening target. This kit is an essential part of the SMARTCheck GMO Solution for soy, where maximum coverage of genetically modified soy is achieved with only two multiplex kits.
To exclude false-negative results caused by inhibition of the real-time PCR, an internal positive control (IPC) is included in every reaction.

PCR Cycler platform

– CFX96 Touch™ (Bio-Rad), AriaMx™ (Agilent), Mx3005P™/Mx3000P™ (Agilent) Please see related products for kits validated for use on other cyclers.


– • genetic modification CsVMV/pat(syn)
• event CV127 (BPS-CV127-9) soybean
• event DP-305423-1 (DP-3Ø5423-1) soybean
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